DXN Code Strike when we wake up right so how

DXN Code Strike when we wake up right so how many of you have woken up to a room full of mess and you just feel like you can't go on for me that's like throughout the week Monday to Friday my chair would just start stacking up with reaction in the body which stresses it out and it can cause inflammation which is not what we want so what we want to do is incorporate teas and my favorite winter drinks are actually Loudoun lattes is actually a sign that the body needs a little bit more help so drinking warm water or room-temperature drinks are really important because you want to work with your body and support the circulation of the blood to be able to deliver the nutrients throughout so if you're one of those people who always feel cold make sure you try incorporating warm drinks sauteed vegetables rather than like fresh salads next thing to keep in mind is support your gut microbiome so probably one of the most important aspects of the health of our skin our body is the gut the gut

DXN Code Strike Reviews by the changes in temperature with certain types of bacteria being more prevalent when it's cold and then dying off as it gets a little bit warmer in the spring and summer times what we want to do is match our diet to this seasonal state of the microbiome by focusing on seasonal and local foods that we can get so in the winter we can focus on probiotic favorites like the Brussels sprouts the kale pomegranates as well as cabbage leeks and sweet potatoes for the body to function in winter we do need to help it out a little to be in balance so it's important to eat like root vegetables and anything that's like soups stews like bone broth spiced drinks and warmer liquids that will all help in working together with the body in the temperatures that were living in next little self-care ritual is not so much in the home but it's actually getting out so you can go out and do more things and


